Hope And Social: Seaside Shenanigans

Hope & Social? I’m sure you remember them, don’t you? Well a few weeks ago they did what they do well. They staged a novel gig experience for a small band of their loyal fans. They booked a bus and took them from the centre of Leeds to a secret location on the coast for a gig. Stopping on the way for lunch. The day was full of songs, smiles and silly shenanigans (see the musical deck chair incident!!!) Sadly I missed it as I was nursing a hernia. Yes, it was sore!! Anyway I asked around and have received loads of stuff; photos, reviews, clips to view etc etc. Thanks to all who have contributed (apologies for the amount of stuff but I’m sure you can fight your way through it!!!) A big thanks to Alan Youngman who organised all the stuff for this review. And a big thanks to the Hope & Social boys for once again showing what a great band they are…….. enjoy…………..


Time lapse video of the entire day, amazing:   http://vimeo.com/14747831

Photos, lots of them on flickr (Tagged with hsfunbus) and facebook: (Simon Wiffen’s are particularity amazing):    http://www.flickr.com/search/?q=hsfunbus&w=all

 This one of his is outrageous. My fav moment of the day captured:  http://www.flickr.com/photos/simonwiffen/4961295554/

 Musical Deckchairs making of Video:  


Slow motion end to musical deckchairs: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=acG_JuVEpVM

Videos on the beach, musical deckchairs: http://www.vimeo.com/14732398 

 Videos on Bus: A little respect:  http://www.vimeo.com/14731997


This was one of the best days of my life!!! To start with we went to an awesome café called la bottega Milanese and then we saw the bus. The bus was fandabidosie, a real old corker from c.70s. The journey to the Lion Inn (explained later) was a perilous one. Hills and small roads are not good for a puffing bus filled with singing fans and (so as guessed!) the bus broke down. Everybody got out and walked over a hill until, triumphantly, the bus came over the hill and so we all got back on again with much cheering and dancing on the top floor.  By the time we got to the Lion Inn I was so hungry I ate 12 ¼ sandwiches and a big pile of chips (CHIPS!!!!) and after the men had drunk their fair share of alcohol we were back on the road away from this beautiful pub in the middle of nowhere and on to the beach!!!! One of the funniest things about the whole trip was that whenever we went past a tree or two somebody shouted TREE!!! And we all ducked. It got to the point where people started shouting SHEEP!!! whenever we went past one. When we got to the beach we were jumping with glee (and the temperature) and the deckchairs (*****) were welcome after the bus seats (*). When hope and social actually started playing half of us were too engrossed in the volleyball match of the year between: THEM V.S US. Until we finally gave up to watch hope & social’s immense performance. Truly they are a superb band and I would recommend them to anybody who has ears or eyes (buy both for the best result). On the way home we found the open the open-top bus had three major flaws: top floor, bottom floor and no central heating!!! When the freezefest ended we got off the bus and the day ended.  By Harry Jewers (age 12)

 Early start. Hot tea on an open top bus. Brollies out leaving Leeds. What a spectacle. New friends as we reached the A64. Wee stop in a traffic jam. Poorly smoking bus. Laughter, and plenty of it. Treacle sponge and custard. Cameras on skateboards. Goosebumps courtesy of four day hombre. Hankies on heads. Curious looks from passers by. “That sounds so much better than what we’re doing!” The beach was in site. Over-competitive musical deckchairs. A BBQ beyond compare. Hope & Social living up to their name. My hair grips holding music to the stand – am I technically now part of the band? Sticky spare ribs. The joy of a kazoo (or 60). Two beautiful deckchairs to give as gifts. Strolling along the beach. Marching on through to the bus. Looking back down the hill.  Hankies stretching far into the distance. Hope & Social ringing out loud. Wrapped up under blankets & beach towels. Sharing the ultimate cabriolet experience with old friends. Watching the stars. Singing to Leeds as we rejoined the city – a full top deck, freezing cold, singing Van Morrison. Not wanting it to ever end. Hope & Social. Perfect.We met, we bussed, we laughed, we mingled, we sang, we broke down, we walked, we laughed, we got back on the bus, we lunched at a great pub, we sang with the band, we were struck by the beauty of the North Yorkshire moors, we journeyed, we laughed, we chatted, we stopped at Runswick Bay, we walked, we marveled at the beauty of Runswick Bay, we were wowed by the beauty of the Hope & Social deckchairs, we paddled, we sunbathed, we played musical deckchairs, we played volleyball, we built Hope & Social sandcastles, we drank, we ate ice creams, we devoured the most beautiful barbeque, we drank, we laughed, we sang, we chatted, we mingled, we walked back to the bus along the beach, we sang, we wrote postcards, we froze, we laughed, we got home, we slept, we enjoyed. Niki Hart

What a heart bursting, soul stirring adventure on the #hsfunbus that was 🙂 cobwebs have been blasted away, big smiles all round 🙂  Helen Harrop

By on November 1, 2010

Check out all the pics

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