Bombskare, Northumberland Arms Newcastle, 3/4/10

Bombskare are the sort of band that can get dead bodies on to the floor to dance…. it’s a fact that Andy the lead singer (and close friend of the dali llama) has been banned from a number of Edinburgh undertakers for skanking with the corpses.
However on this occasion the role was reversed, because when the band arrived from a llllooong journey from the stinky capital of olde englande, they looked fairly , well ‘buggared’ is the Ashington term for it.
The Northumberland arms, hidden in the depths of Eldon Square, Newcastle, is the perfect place to be laid out, cellar like and looking uninviting from the outside.
However on this Saturday night, the cold was left outside, and the SkaMonkey sound system DJ kicked off the night with a mix of skanking tunes from way back then to right now, Prince Buster to the Newtown Kings, and the gradually growing crowd seemed to be well in tune .
When Bombskare hit the stage, they looked as if Bela Lugosi had done a cracking job on them, somehow the corpse had come to life and an unbelievably raucous and lively band dragged the punters to the floor with non stop big band style ska tunes.
A mix of style somewhere between Cab Calloway and Bad Manners, slick, tight and musical, the songs from the last Album ‘fistful of dynamite’ were just that…explosive, with the odd new track thrown in , I couldn’t see the joins.
Finishing with the ode to sean connery/007, the whole crowd were throwing ‘Bond’ shapes, and laughing out loud!
Of course they had to go back on to more, and a hilarious version of ‘inspector gadget’, then the best version of ‘sally brown’ I have heard for ages topped the night off.
What a gig…what a band…

I luv bands me…ruga wuga..

By on April 14, 2010

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1 Comment » RSS Comment Feed

  1. So glad you enjoyed the gig. Our stamina is legendary and we had a blast – thanks for having us

    Comment by Bombskare — April 28, 2010 @ 6:34 pm

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