B’oscars Night – Trojan Rooms, Whitley Bay.

Jesus… what just happened?

I have just woken up, with the previous night’s weirdness, flashing back in snippets through the fug of a not insubstantial hangover. Headstands, Spoon playing, Giant children and truly shocking displays of bowel control are all swirling around in my head, right now… So. Where to begin…

Last night was The Northern Line’s AGM, which all started off quite civilized. Notes were taken, plans were planned, schemes were schemed, website and finances were discussed and debated, we even talked about our Christmas party. Then we popped inside The Trojan Rooms for a few well deserved scoops, and to check out The Whitley Bay Film Festival’s Buskers Night.

Buskers Night is a regular event at the Trojan Rooms, (annexed to the Avalon Hotel on South Parade). It’s a come as you please, cabaret-type affair, where punters get up and do a turn. Now before you start thinking, more god awful bloody karaoke, no its not karaoke at all. No one’s wailing, tunelessly into a monitor in the corner. The “turns” come with guitars and keyboards and in some cases choreographed dance routines, all to do one carefully rehearsed number each.

This week’s set was tied into the week long Whitley Bay Film Festival and themed around “The Movies.” Billed as the Buskers Oscars, there was a “celebrity” judging panel, comprising of music historian and ex Tube producer Chris Phipps, local talent Liam Fender, Will “guitar” Watson … and Mick who owns the place. (Or “Steve” as Baz is wont to call him, in a Trigger/Only Fools and Horses type of manner!) Two prizes were on offer, the Panels Choice and the all important Public Vote.

Now the set ran something like this… I’ve had a wee bit of help with this, because… quite frankly I was less than sober, so apologies if I’ve missed someone out or got the running order wrong.

  1. Callum. Fire, From Hot Fuzz.
  2. Carl. Once I Was, from Coming Home.
  3. Michelle. Good Morning Heartache, from Lady sings the blues.
  4. Jamie and Tracey. Hopelessly Devoted To You, from Grease, including full costume and 2 wig changes.
  5. Steve. The Galaxy Song from The Meaning of Life.
  6. Jamie. As The Walls Fall Down, from Labyrinth.
  7. Joe Soap. I Wanna be Like You, from The Jungle Book.
  8. The Illustrious Bertie Forster. Kiss Me Goodnight Sergeant Major, Arthur Askey Medley accompanied by Spoons. (…I kid you not!)
  9. Ruth. Bang Bang, from Kill Bill.
  10. The Women of Mass Distraction. A capela version of Eye of The Tiger, from Rocky with full costume.
  11. Alan. Love is All Around, from 4 Weddings.
  12. Steppen and Wolf. Born To be Wild, from Easy Rider.
  13. PRS. Round Midnight, from Round Midnight.
  14. Louise. Over The Rainbow, from The Wizard Of Oz.

Some ab-so-lutely incredible, jaw dropping, personal renditions of classic movie songs. More than one had me utterly gob-smacked. High standard of vocals and musicianship and no real howlers to speak of either… quirky and stupidly entertaining for a Tuesday night !

Who won?… I hear you shout… well, I nearly missed that bit, because of headstand related shenanigans, but The Women Of Mass Destruction won the Panel Vote… a bizarre plaque thing and a bottle of Champers, while the Public Vote, the princely sum of “65 Euros,” (Eh?) was snatched by Louise.

The night is actually difficult to convey into words… who was it said that writing about music is like dancing about architecture?… Anyway… these dry words don’t do justice to the night, I can only advise that you pop in and see for yourself. It’s on the first tuesday of every month.  The stage is open to everyone – complete with a full sound system, lighting and even a piano!

Free entry. Spoons are optional!



More pics on facebook here!

(Words Dave. Pics Baz. )

By on August 26, 2010

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