Peter Kay-the Tour That Doesnt Tour Tour: Now On Tour! 12/11/10


I have to admit: I’ve had my tickets for Peter Kay since last Christmas, and I had been like an excitable puppy ever since. As the gig grew closer, I began to brag to all who were within earshot about the fact I was going to see the brilliant Boltonian.  The reactions from almost all were negative-“past his best,” said one, “too repetitive,” said another. I was incredulous to these comments; aside from the fact that previous DVD sales alone would insist that Kay was at the top of the comedy pile, but repetitive? He hasn’t toured for over 6 years!!

And so it was, that the other half and I, plus friends travelled to the Metro Arena in Newcastle, and I admit, my enthusiasm was almost dampened.  I say almost, there was still a big part of me that knew that his time away from stage work would have provided more than enough material to keep the sell-out crowd in good spirits. I was not wrong!

To say that Peter Kay is a master of the trade would be like saying Osama Bin Laden is good at hide and seek. His material managed to cover a fair amount of the events since he last tread the boards,  from near-the-knuckle comments regarding Michael Jackson’s death, right up to Wagner’s performances on X-Factor. Kay has never been a political comedian, so it made a change not being bombarded with jokes about the comedians taking up residence in Downing Street. His comedy is as close to audio Horlicks as you can get, comforting and leaving you with a warm feeling inside.

A very funny first act, followed by a brilliant second act brought about an encore that simply brought the house down-a tape recorder-inspired twist on song lyrics (Duffy’s Mercy became “You got me begging you for birdseed”…ah i guess you had to be there…). Then he took on some heavy metal classics and spun his own inimitable style on them-difficult to spell out here, but believe me when I say when the lights came up, all the crowd were swaying right on cue, even your curmudgeonly old fart reviewer.

Having recently announced more dates, The Tour That Doesnt Tour Tour Now On Tour is an outstanding night out, and trust me when I say to the naysayers-the DVD will be huge, get on board.

By on December 21, 2010

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