Gruff Rhys & The Birdman Rallies Harrogate Theatre 18th July


Firstly before I write my review of tonights show I must briefly let everyone know what a beautiful, ornate and intimate venue the Theatre is especially for a show as special as this, shows like this are trully a once in a lifetime experience. Whilst sat in my seat I started to think of some one off shows I had been to and I would rank this gig within my top ten. Morrissey at the Apollo on his 50th birthday, The Libertines at Middlesbrough Arena, Oasis same venue the night Kurt Cobain died, Badly Drawn Boy at Hyde Park Social club in Leeds one Fathers day and now Gruff Rhys at Harrogate Theatre. Sure we have all been to gigs that are special but most touring bands these days play the same set either in an 02 academy or a football stadium. These shows are ones to me that will never be again. Gruff Rhys may play here again but the chances are remote, anyway on with the review.

We are in, we are seated and boy are we ready for showtime!
Its 7.30 pm, we are in Harrogate and at the Theatre (me at the theatre, takes some believing I know!!) See
Graham Chalmers , local roving gig reporter and Fringe organiser takes to the stage as the evening’s compere to introduce us to The Birdman Rallies, who incidently are from Harrogate.He obviously loves them and tells us they are his favourite band and after tonights set they soon will be the nations favourites too, the set they play is nothing short of remarkable. Early on in the set the bass players string snaps, lead singer Danny Webster fills in with a solo track while the technical hitch is sorted and then its straight back to business.

I hadnt really heard anything by them properly until tonight just snippets that I had listened to on myspace (

They reminded me of The Flaming Lips, Beck, Nick Drake, Vampire Weekend and more, they are amazing musicians, a couple of times Danny plays a trumpet, a guitar and keyboards (not all at once but close!!) during a couple of songs. The arrangements are sophisticated to say the least but along with that you can see the band do have a fun side and are full of energy. The drummer looked a bit bored with it all but that’s drummers for you!!

After the set the band are in the foyer selling their wares, I purchase both cd’s and look forward to their upcoming show at the Galtres Festival next month (

Get your tickets on the above website now!!

After The Birdman Rallies set, its the interval and me and my assistant!! (Phil) take to our favourite area, yes you’re right the bar!!!

Again when you look round, you cant help but look when in this venue at how beautiful it all is, venues like the theatre here in Harrogate really are national treasures and should be taken full advantage of! Even the bar sells local Daleside Ale, which we are forced to take several samples of!! (well it would be rude not to, thanks to the good old 36 bus we can fully enjoy the evening!!)

The interval is soon over and we take to our seats, Graham again comes on and introduces Gruff reminding us all (as if we could forget!!) about his past glories and his Mecury Music nominations  (SFA in 2001 and Neon Neon in 2008)

He also called him the biggest talent since Woodstock but in one person which made me smile.

Gruff then ambles on stage looking like someone who’s lost and looking for directions, wearing a brown blazer like your dad wore 30 years ago and in need of a shave and trim!! But still looking as cool as ever

He informs us that he has left his metronome at home, in Cardiff and has had to borrow one from someone locally, after fiddling with its settings he announces ” I hope its not faster than mine”, the song begins and a few bars in he announces mid song “its definitely faster!!!”

What follows is a 90 minute strong set taking in songs from his latest album Hotel Shampoo and others from his vast back catologue including Candylion. He sings in both Welsh and English and his inbetween song banter almost makes him a comic to boot.

He uses his acoustic guitar, record player,computer and various other gadgets (some work, some dont!!!) to get the magical sounds he creates on stage. At times i found myself watching him that attentively that I almost go into a trance listening to the amazing sounds he creates.

Songs like Sophie Softly and Rubble Rubble sound excellent in the intimate suroundings we are in.

Towards the end of the set Graham brings a birthday cake on stage as today is Gruff’s 41st birthday, he blows the candle out and then asks the audience if anyone has a knife!! Someone shouts out “scissors!!!” then a knife is found, however dont panic its a tiny and i mean tiny pocket penknife.Its owner comes up onto the stage and hands Gruff him it and he announces “I’ll cut the cake, do another song then share the cake with everyone!!”

He then hacks the cake into slices with a french version of Be my Baby playing in the background.

He plays the song, his last and gives the pen knife back to its rightful owner, he then hands the cake to the front row and everyone takes a slice and passes it on! What a wonderful touch and a great end to a fantastic night.

If you get the chance go see Gruff as soon as you can, check out these sites for more details and

Finally a special thanks to Emma at the theatre for organising things and also a quick thanks to the lovely usher we met on arrival.

Roll on Julian Cope here on the 30th July, another one off and rare gig. Tickets on sale now at

Below are some photos of both the venue and the show.I will try and upload the film footage soon!

In the meantime anyone want the photos I took in their full glory please email me at [email protected] and I will email you them inc. the footage.

By on July 21, 2011

Check out all the pics

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