Ack! Ack! Ack! Records, Middlesbrough

As record shops are shutting all over the country and the only place to buy new stuff is at Tesco or on the net who would be stupid enough to open a new record shop?? Oli Heffernan that’s who. Yesterday I loaded the pushchair with two of my three offspring and headed on down to see this crazy dude. Being a lover of vinyl, all things musical and a complete anorak, a new record shop fills me with a sense of awe. Like a kid at Christmas. Racks of vinyl both old and new. I could have spent all day looking through the racks but my impatient eldest daughter (she gets it from her mum) decided it was time to go as “record shops are boring!!” I console myself by buying one of their t-shirts and the new Half Man, Half Biscuit album on vinyl. I will return soon to have a proper look through all the singles and the used vinyl.
It is quite a gamble in the current climate to open a record shop so I think all you people out there who like music should give Oli some support. Stop downloading for free and go and buy the next album you want on vinyl. I remember speaking to Alan Fearnley just before he closed his record shop. He was bemoaning those who buy their CDs from supermarkets or download for free etc. He said if we don’t use our record shops we will lose them. If we lose them we will have less and less choice in what we buy. (I don’t think Tesco will be stocking the latest Half Man, Half Biscuit album) So the good people of Middlesbrough you have an opportunity. Use it, don’t lose it!!!!

ACK! ACK! ACK! Records can be found at 178A Linthorpe Road, Middlesbrough, TS1 3RB. (Opposite Psyche Clothing). Call Oli on 01642 248688. Find him on FACEBOOK.

By on October 9, 2011

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