2013 Bogie Race, Wansbeck Riverside Park, Ashington , Sunday 28th July, 12-8pm


Reluctantly crouched at the starting line, engines pumping and thumping in time.

The green light flashes, the flags goes up, churning and burning, they yearn for the cup.

This is what the summer holidays are all about. If you’ve ever known the utter childhood thrill of making your own Bogie (go-kart) from a set of pram wheels and a plank of wood. You will have more than a pang of nostalgia for this event.

We raced ours around the council estates of Blyth, you needed a pusher… with the unattainable qualities of brute strength and speed… (the ideal combination being  a really fat kid who could run the 100metres in 10 seconds flat.) The crashes were spectacular and the injuries were horrendous. Eight inch gravel filled, grazes, split heads, trapped fingers, lost teeth… my mate Baker went into a kerb!! Which stopped his super-low Bogie dead in its tracks and slid him the entire length of his chassis, on his arse, right over the large nut and bolt that attached the front axle to the chassis. There was a lot of blood from that one, I can tell ya!… and it’s a wonder he ever fathered a child to tell you the truth!!

And its back! On the 28th at Wansbeck Riverside Park. Ok there’s a beer tent and live bands and craft stalls and a vast array of family fun going on… but it’s all back drop to the main event. It’s  the fearless, heroes, hurtling down a hill, with scant regard for life, limb or testicle that we really want to see.

On your marks!

Bogie Race Facebook Link

By on July 18, 2013

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