Robert Endeacott’s Tin Pot Twenty-odd Word Reviews

Robert Endeacott’s Tin Pot Twenty-Odd Word reviews

#1 ‘The Terror’ – latest album from The Flaming Lips
‘Starts brilliantly then it’s downhill alas. At times exhilarating, at times haunting but not in a good way. Far from their best, a disappointing 6 out of 10’.

#2 The Ruts DC – concert at Brudenell Social Club, Leeds, 15.3.13
‘Punk & Dub & Reggae at their best, bone-shuddering bass, beats to make your heart burst, vocals to out-scratch iron nails. Fantastic, see them before you snuff it.’

#3 The Stranglers – concert at Leeds Academy, 9.3.13
‘Possibly played more gigs than any other successful band ever, arguably one of the most underrated bands around, DEFINITELY one of the best live performers of all time’.

#4 The Stranglers – concert at Manchester Academy, 30.3.13
‘And this gig was even bloody better than their Leeds one!’

#5 Goldblade (supporting Misfits) – concert at Leeds Academy. 4.4.13
‘Led by the brilliant Dorian Gray-like John Robb, Goldblade always put on a fantastic display of chant-worthy, respect-demanding punk. A great gig, the Misfits’ bloody well wasn’t’.

#6 ‘Delta Machine’ – latest album from Depeche Mode.
‘More a collection of soulful synth than electro pop of decades long gone, a quite brilliant album to tear at the heart strings and jab at the cerebral matter. A damned fine 8 out of 10’.

Welcome to a brand new feature/concept. Reviews done in 20 odd words. First up and brains behind the idea is Robert Endeacott. Author of such brilliant books as; One Northern Soul, No More Heroes, Fanthology, Dirty Leeds, Disrepute – Revie’s England, After Extra Time (Dirty Leeds Uncut) plus, waiting at the gates of publication, Scandal FC , the final instalment of the Dirty Leeds Trilogy.

What do you think? Why not do your own. Review anything in 20 odd words. A book, a record, a concert, an event, a film, a pub, a beer….. in fact anything you want as long as it happened in the North.

A big thank-you to Robert for this and we look forward to hearing from you.



By on April 26, 2013

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