The Smiths: Hand In Glove (released 13th May 1983)

“And Smith must score” Brighton V Man United FA Cup Final May 83.

I took my O levels. David Bowie was top of the charts. Aberdeen won the Cup Winners Cup. (My grandad was an Aberdeen fan so I still have a soft spot for them) Return of the Jedi released. What else happened 30 years ago this month? An indie label in London was about to unleash the greatest band ever onto the world. Rough Trade Records released The Smiths debut single, It didn’t bother the charts, it hardly made world news but it began the greatest run of singles this world has ever seen.

“Hand in Glove” by Morrissey and Marr is a fantastic tune with fantastic lyrics. It was released on May the 13th 1983. “The sun shines out of our behinds” indeed. I remember hearing it on John Peel and I really couldn’t believe it. I bought it from Volume in Newcastle. My favourite record shop, Ever!!! I was a bit surprised by the sleeve but at that age anything was acceptable. I actually preferred the B side. A live version of “Handsome Devil” recorded at the Hacienda. “There’s more to life than books you know, but not much more”.

“Hand in Glove” from its harmonica induced intro till its shimmering finale is a wonderful song that thrust the greatest band ever into our bedrooms. Recorded at Strawberry Studios in Stockport. Owned by a member of 10CC. The Smiths were about to become part of Manchester folklore. With John Peel and Kid Jensen behind them they were soon to be the biggest thing on the indie circuit. It seems incredible that they arrived almost fully formed. They had been around for less than a year but with this release they changed everything, forever. Johnny Marr, Andy Rourke and Mike Joyce were only 19 years old when the single came out. Morrissey a few years older at 23. Imagine being that young and knowing you were in the best band in the world. Knowing you had even better songs up your cardigan sleeves. Only a few months later they released “This Charming Man” surely the greatest song ever released? 30 years is a long time but it honestly feels like yesterday that this tune burst out of our radios and into our hearts.

Unlike Brighton’s Smith the ones from Manchester certainly hit the back of the net!!!!





By on May 13, 2013

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