Deer Shed Festival: Update

Just 300 adult tickets remain for Deer Shed Festival 6

We are delighted that so many of you have decided to join us this year and we’re now reaching the bottom of the ticket bucket. Here for tickets.

But if you want a cheaper alternative to paying for a full weekend ticket read on …

Volunteer at Deer Shed Festival

There are still some places left for volunteers at this year’s Deer Shed Festival and let me assure you this is not an opportunity you want to miss!

Not only do you get to meet a load of new friends, get some behind the scenes experience of working at a music festival, and (most importantly) get a free lime green t-shirt (awesome!), you will also be given an £89 refund for your ticket at the end of the weekend.

In exchange for just two 3.5 hour shifts over the weekend, you will get to enjoy the Deer Shed Festival for free or at a severely discounted price. Past volunteers are very positive about their Deer Shed experience, and many keep returning year after year! If you want to experience the “behind the scenes” workings of a music festival, make friends, and have fun doing it, make sure you get involved!

Full details and terms and conditions are at

Paid Work at Deer Shed Festival

We have just three paid positions left at this year’s Deer Shed Festival.

We need a Litter Picker Supervisor to work from Friday to Monday. This person will be overseeing all of our litter picking volunteers to ensure the arena and campsite are litter-free all weekend.

Our second paid position is Campsite Manager this ideal job share for 2-4 people starting Friday and finishing Sunday night. This person (people) will be charged with keeping order in the campsite and will be responsible for all volunteers working in the area.

Our final paid position is Shower Supervisor (an ideal job share for 2 people). This person (people) will be required to work shifts that cover all weekend (Friday to Monday) and will be responsible for keeping the showers clean and tidy, supervising volunteers, handling money and managing shower queues.

For more details on these roles, please email Andy Dalton at [email protected].

Deer Shed Festival team xx

By on May 9, 2015

Check out all the pics

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