Daddysmilk – Manchester Club Academy – Sat 20th March

There is currently a void in the Manchester music scene…funny how it takes a band with two foreigners who’ve adopted Manchester as their home along side two ‘true Mancs’ to fill that void…

Daddysmilk totally rocked the Academy on Saturday night, giddy and with a constant stream of energy it seemed as if Daddysmilk were trying to invade your brain via your eardrums. Catchy melodies and sing-along lyrics weaved their way through your imagination like a Pied Piper on acid.

The way lead singer Kristof leads you on a merry vocal dance with him is unparalleled by any band out there at the moment, especially when equally matched by his good looks and powerful stage presence. Convincing the crowd to follow him on his musical journey is no hardship for this dazzling frontman. When backed by the raucous romp and stomp of drummer Marius’ perfectly kept beats then the journey is easily followed, combine that with the masterful wizardry of lead guitarist Keith and you have an unstoppable mix of animalistic playing and a true visual treat. Throw in a kazoo solo and glitter and you have a heady mix of true, raw musical talent combined with a genius level of madness and a wanton lust for putting on the best show you’ve ever seen and you have the wonderous spectacle that is Daddysmilk.

It’s astounding how at home the Norwegian half (Marius and Kris) of Daddysmilk seem to be in Manchester, but it shows through with their ability to play to the crowd as if they are on home turf. Maybe because a stage, no matter where, is the true home of all of these boys. They simply belong there.

By on March 24, 2010

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2 Comments » RSS Comment Feed

  1. Well written and true in every word. I’m gutted I missed this particular gig, but Daddysmilk are gonna be big baby!

    Comment by Stacey-Marie — March 25, 2010 @ 8:50 am

  2. What a great review. Shame I wasnt at this gig to say farewell to Jay. >< haha

    Comment by Kat Donohue. — March 25, 2010 @ 2:58 pm

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