Bombskare..skabbey Road Recordings….

Bombskare are pleased to announce the release of their ‘Skabbey Road’ EP, a Ska Tribute to The Beatles. Skabbey Road is an eclectic mix of some of The Beatles best and least known tunes, but with energy only Bombskare, Scotland’s Ska Institution, could give it.

Recorded during the recording sessions for their forth-coming second album, the self described Bishops of Bounce see it as their contribution to help EMI’s recent financial troubles. It’s no secret the record company has been struggling of late and Ska might just turn their fortunes around, the band claim, perhaps naively.

“We were starting the recording on our new album last July or August, right at the height of last years Beatle mania’, says front man Andy, “and thought it would be a bit of fun in the studio. We’re thought of more as a live act so it was good to do something different, totally studio based.”

“We were in the studio talking once about The Beatles” says guitarist Scott, “and someone said that because of the various instruments in our band it would be a piece of cake for us to record a Beatles track, compared to how hard it probably was for them. So it kind of started from that.”

From the Skankedelic tour de force opener ‘Magical Mystery Tour’ to the groove laden ‘Everybody’s Got Something to Hide (Except for Me and My Monkey)’, every song has an unique, often humorous approach to a Beatles classic, but with an edge that only one of Scotland’s top live bands could provide. You’ll laugh. You’ll cry. But most importantly, you will dance.

For the rest of 2010, the band will be finishing their second album, the follow up to last year’s ‘A Fistful of Dynamite’, for release late 2010/ early 2011.

By on April 13, 2010

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