The Empire….strikes Back…. Middlesbrough 2011

It seems like ages since we told you about anything happening at The Empire in Middlesbrough. But just when we thought they’d stopped putting on great gigs they have 5 lined up for the next few weeks. They kick off this Thursday (3rd Feb) with Professor Green. This is followed by The Feeling on Monday the 7th, the night after (the 8th of Feb) The Murder Dolls tread the boards. Then its Feeder on Friday the 11th and finishing this short burst of activity are the superb, and highly recommended by The Northern Line; Frankie & the Heartstrings on Saturday the 12th. Something for everything. Great bands at a great venue. Looking further into the future they have Big Country. A great band from the 80s, sadly without the deceased Stuart Adamson, but still worth seeing.

For further info and to book tickets go to their web site;

A big thanks to Ash at The Empire for his continued support.

By on January 31, 2011

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