The Last Battle. The Springwell Ep


Remember, back in October, when we twisted your lugs to listen to the cracking debut album, Heart of the Land, Soul of the Sea by Edinburgh’s, The Last Battle? Well… we are pleased to share news of their latest offering, a tidy 5 track EP, scheduled for release on the 18th July, simply titled The Springwell EP, in response to its Springwell Place, recording location.

5 tracks in all, recorded between March and May 2011. The opener Floored is a, feel good, rat-a-tat-tat romp, full of boxing analogies, guitars, cello’s and soaring harmonies. While, Ward 119, (a re-worked full band version of a personal favourite) is a complete departure from the norm, and as gritty a hospital drama as they come. Track 3 is Viv Nicholson… remember her… well … no…  not really. She was a bit before my time. Viv Nicholson to me, is the cover star of the 7″ of Heaven Knows I’m Miserable Now. Everything else I gleaned from Wikipedia. How she waxed a massive Pools win and ended up penniless. A cautionary tale indeed!…. She’s still alive apparently! The songs good though… tinkling guitars, a cello and 2 voices, and it doesn’t need any more.
The last 2 tracks I would have swapped round, so I will… Lost, But Not Forever is only about a minute long, and reminds me of one of those secret tracks you used to get on CD’s… the ones that would suddenly start playing  track 75, an hour after the album had finished, just to mess with your head late at night! …no, no no.. The Last Dance, That should be the last track, its perfect. It’s a last song, last drunken dance, hanging onto your mates, ignoring the fact the lights have come on, still singing, not going home yet, sort of a song. The tune you’re still mumbling to yourself as you climb into your bed at the end of a reet good night, and the tune that’s still in my head now.

Tracks are:
2.Ward 119
3.Viv Nicholson
4.The Last Dance
5.Lost, But Not Forever

Its available to listen to and pr-order on Bandcamp Here.
There’s also a limited amount of physical copies available on CD. presumably at the following EP Launch gigs:

30th June The Wee Red Bar Edinburgh
with King Creosote & Loch Awe
Online tickets SOLD OUT
still some avail at Avalanche Records
Or on the door

1st July Aye Tunes Presents: Stereo Glasgow
with Second Hand Marching Band & Loch Awe
tickets: HERE

2nd July Interesting Music Promotions presents:
Cafe Drummonds Aberdeen
with Second Hand Marching Band & R.M Hubbert
tickets: HERE

By on June 17, 2011

Check out all the pics

2 Comments » RSS Comment Feed

  1. Hey hey. I love The Last Battle, they are great, and I’m really looking forward to hearing the E.P in it’s entirety.

    On a completely different subject – where did you get the cool Facebook & Twitter logos? Photoshop, or can you just download them somewhere?

    All the best


    Comment by Dick Tapsall — June 20, 2011 @ 7:20 pm

  2. Hey Dick… I believe they’re called peel icons! I didn’t actually source them though!

    Comment by Dave — June 20, 2011 @ 9:50 pm

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