Morrissey @ The Barbican, York 25th June 2011


Well as you all know we all love Morrissey here at The Northern Line. We also have a policy that our grandmothers gave us which goes something like “If you have nothing nice to say then say nothing at all….”  Well, you’ll be expecting me to be all gushing and excited after my week-end away in York. Well, yes……. and no!!!!!! No, I hear you choke on your quorn burgers. No????? Well, not exactly a bad review but I cannot really say he was brilliant. I enjoyed the show, the atmosphere was brilliant and when he does This Charming Man, Everyday is like Sunday, There is a light that never goes out, First of the gang to die etc etc. Then he is the greatest performer on earth and I love him like the father I never had. (Thats a bit of a fib as I have a father and he looks a bit like a fat Mozzer. I’ve never told him that. I’ve not told my father either!) But when he does Ouija Board, Ouija Board, Alma Matters, I’m throwing my arms around Paris and, forgive me please; Meat is Murder. I am left a bit flat. Morrissey has so many brilliant songs yet seems to pick some real stinkers. He could choose almost any Smiths song and it would be fantastic. Yet he chooses, in my opinion, the worst one!! Apart from maybe Golden Lights and that’s a cover!! Also, why does he feel the need to do a Lou Reed cover? He has a hundred songs better than anything Lou Reeds done!!! Maybe I’m being picky. Maybe I’ve seen him too many times. (30 plus) Maybe I’m spoilt because I saw The Smiths do the Smiths (14 times!!!!). Maybe everyone has their favourites and some of these just weren’t mine? Maybe I’m right?? Anyway, when he broke in to Satellite of Love I sneaked to the toilet and it was empty. By the time I left it was filling up. (no pun intended!) Before the end of the song there was a queue!!! I jokingly said he must do Lou Reed covers instead of an interval and everyone agreed. I know Mozzer has earnt the right to do whatever he wants and I’ll still go to see him (Middlesbrough on the 8th of July is next) but I sometimes feel a little short changed. And at over £37 a ticket (if you include booking fees) it is easy to feel this way. Now am I the only one? Those with me agreed that at least half a dozen of the songs could have been different. What do you think?

Anyway, as I said at the start we tend to push the positives so we will continue with that tradition. Great week-end in York. When it’s sunny like it was on Saturday it must be one of the best places in the country to go for a drink. And judging by the amount of stag-dos and birthday parties that we bumped into plenty must agree. Drinking beside the river on a hot day is the perfect way to get drunk. And drunk we did get. A walk to the Barbican began to fill us with excitement. First time I’ve been to this venue and I thought it was great. Excellent views from everywhere down stairs. Lots of bars and friendly staff. The Moz crowd was its usual; happy to be there both old and young. The balcony looked a bit miserable but seats are not the best way to experience Mozzer as I found out at Sunderland Empire a couple of years ago. I even recall Newcastle City Hall in 1985 when the bouncers wouldn’t let you move let alone dance. Seated venues are for pantomimes and pensioners. Not a rock n roll concert even if the rock n roller is 52. The set was good mostly and I enjoyed most of it. I managed to video Meat is Murder so take a look below. Why video a song you don’t like? Well it meant I could just stand still and get a decent copy. If I’d liked it I would have been bouncing up and down and singing along. Every silver lining…… Lots of Smiths tunes. The best of which was I know it’s over. I saw a few genuine tears during it and it was followed by Throwing my arms around Paris which also had a few tears shed but for completely different reasons!!! I like a few of the new numbers and finishing with my all time favourite tune is always going to send me home happy. Some good natured banter with the t-shirt sellers from Margate (not London) and then home to bed. Well, our hotel and bed. Mrs M enjoyed her night as well. Even she has seen him at least 6 times and she is a Take That fan!! Won’t be long before the daughters will be dragged along. How long will Moz go on for? If he sticks to his best, forever. If he persists with the Lou Reed nonsense then this goodbye may well be farewell.


(1) I want the one I can’t have

(2) First of the gang to die

(3) You have killed me

(4) Shoplifters of the world Unite

(5) The kid’s a looker

(6) Ouija board, Ouija board

(7) There is a light that never goes out

(8) Everyday is like Sunday

(9) People are the same everywhere

(10) Alma Matters

(11) Speedway

(12) Satelite of Love

(13) I know it’s over

(14) I’m throwing my arms around Paris

(15) One day goodbye will be farewell

(16) Action is my middle name

(17) Meat is Murder

(18) Irish Blood, English Heart

(19) This Charming Man


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By on June 28, 2011

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1 Comment » RSS Comment Feed

  1. Good review Pete,sums the night up perfectly.And we all made a new friend from Margate to boot!!!
    ROLL ON THE BORO GIG!!!!!!!!

    Comment by Andrew Storey — June 28, 2011 @ 1:47 pm

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