Teesside Rises Above The Parapet

“Teesside Rises Above The Parapet”

Boro is fighting back, with not one, but two new topical nights starting up in March; Above The Parapet and Building Bridges.

ABOVE THE PARAPET is Boro’s new monthly night of topical song and
spoken word.

Taking place at the Westgarth Social Club on the first Thursday of the month, Above The Parapet celebrates artists getting together to give a voice to the ordinary person.

The people of Teesside have for generations been hit and hit hard by the policies of successive governments. Above the Parapet is a space that will rouse, celebrate and embody the heart of the region, commenting artistically on the problems and stories of the people, and the many like them around the world.

Providing a platform for songwriters, musicians, writers and poets to perform their own work, or other people’s work that has inspired them to write on the state of society, the nights will have elements of open stage (an open platform for people to contribute new and old songs, stories and poems), a Speakers Corner slot (local speakers will be invited to talk on topical subjects) and the occasional special guest.

The first Above the Parapet is on Thursday 2nd February with special guests and brutally honest social commentators The Young Hegelians and continues on the first Thursday of every month at Westgarth Social Club, Southfield Road, Middlesbrough. People who would like to perform at Above the Parapet please contact us at: [email protected]


Following the great success of Attila the Stockbroker in December, Building Bridges continues their series of politically influenced songwriters with one of the finest working in the UK today. Robb Johnson has played pubs, clubs, pavements, pickets & benefits, arts centres & festivals… and the Albert Hall in London.

Maintaining his no-nonsense approach to album titles (earlier releases have included Margaret Thatcher: My Part in Her Downfall and Love & Death & Politics), Robb released his solo album ‘Some Recent Protest Songs’ last year to a great reception and will be bringing snippets of this and his own special blend of social commentary to Teesside on Saturday 3rd March.

His mix of political satire and wit combines observation of the everyday working class life, with rage against the hidden and not-so-hidden injuries of capitalism, with a poetic glimpse of a post-capitalist world of justice and solidarity. A night with Robb Johnson is one to be remembered.

Above The Parapet #1 – Open Stage
A chance for anyone interested to come down and perform or just grab yourself a pint and listen.
Westgarth Social Club, Southfield Road, Middlesbrough
Thursday 2nd February, 7.30pm.
Tickets £1 otd.

Above The Parapet #2 with special guests The Young Hegelians
Westgarth Social Club, Southfield Road, Middlesbrough
Thursday 1st March, 7.30pm.
Tickets £2 otd.

Building Bridges presents Robb Johnson
The Studio, Middlesbrough Little Theatre Club
Saturday 3rd March, 8pm
Real Ale bar open from 6pm
Tickets £5 or £7 (if you still have a job)
Avaliable online from: http://www.shipyardsongwriters.com/#/tickets/4550538585
or from the Theatre Club bar tel: 01642 828715 (evenings) or from Leigh & Alex tel: 01642 823514

Above The Parapet #3 with special guest Joe Solo
Westgarth Social Club, Southfield Road, Middlesbrough
Thursday 5th April, 7.30pm.
Tickets £2 otd.


SHIPYARD STUDIOS: http://www.shipyardsongwriters.com/

ABOVE THE PARAPET: http://www.facebook.com/abovetheparapet

By on January 30, 2012

Check out all the pics

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