Styles Make Fights “all The Things Ive Done Wrong”

“Styles make Fights: Spaces between the Stars.
And Styles make Fights are Biff Bang Pow. Ok they’re not but you get the idea. Where have Tiny Lights got all these bands from? Most of them I’ve never heard of before but I certainly will be looking out for them in 2012. These boys can truly fill in the spaces between the stars. Superb.”

This is what we said about Styles Make Fights contribution to the recent Tiny Lights Christmas compilation. We compared this fantastic new record label to Creation Records. Praise indeed. And if they were Creation then these young rascals were Biff Bang Pow!!! Which is a real red herring as they are nothing like those McGee boys. They are more Biffy Clyro than Biff Bang Pow!! More power, more melody and another new band from the North-East of England looking to put this great region firmly back on the musical map.
Well they have only gone and released their new single. (Out now on Tiny Lights Recordings) A three track affair including “All the Things Ive done Wrong”, “Look Back” and our favourite here at The Northern Line “Spaces Between the Stars”. Like a young Husker Du playing power pop with Maximo Park. They launch the single at the Cluny2 in Newcastle on Friday 9th March. But thats not all we have a super limited copy of the single to give away to the person who answers the following question. First come first served. “Which Byrds song did Husker Du do a cover of?” Easy? Answers to [email protected]

Also Tiny Lights have a proposition for you. Why not enrol into their singles club? Pay a one off fee and you get all the releases for a year!! That includes this great single plus forthcoming singles from Fantasy Rainbow, Omessy Life and the much anticipated debut from The Lake Poets. Like SubPop used to do, it will prove to be a bargain of massive proportions. We have already bought two!! One to keep like the anoraks we are and one to give away to you dear readers. So keep your eyes peeled for future releases and have a go at this competition.





By on February 14, 2012

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