Above The Parapet’s 1st Birthday

Above The Parapet’s *1st Birthday* with special guest Joe Solo + Johnny Campbell

Westgarth Social Club, Southfield Road, Middlesbrough
Saturday 2nd February, 7.30pm.
Tickets £3 otd.

Above The Parapet celebrates their first year bringing extraordinary topical song and spoken word to Middlesbrough with the fantastic Joe Solo, making his way up from the bright lights of Scarborough strip.

Joe Solo has in his time been a busker, a barman, a kerb counter, a warehouse hand, a copywriter and an engineer. His musical odyssey began in 1987 fronting a bash-em-out band at school, and has seen him play in seven countries either as the lynchpin of pop-punk upstarts Lithium Joe or hammering out his unique brand of folk, punk and blues in his own right.

On top of releasing ten albums in the last eight years, Solo has written a book, and had one written about him; runs a research project on the Hull Pals Battalions in the First World War which he updates daily online; worked with underprivileged children to help them write their lives in song; recorded two audio books; and still found time to open for the likes of Chris Wood, Otis Gibbs, Robb Johnson, Edgar Broughton, TV Smith, Justin Sullivan, Emily Portman and The Blockheads; whilst his songs have featured on Mike Harding’s Folk and Roots Show on BBC Radio Two.

Live, Solo has a growing reputation as both a performer and raconteur, being thought-provoking, comical and punch-the-air political often in the same breath. He is not an artist you forget in a hurry.


FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/abovetheparapet?fref=ts

WEB SITE: http://www.shipyardsongwriters.com/

By on January 28, 2013

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